CGN Season 2021 will be fully online and will start later

Published on 14-01-2021 in Seizoen 2021

CGN Season 2021 will be fully online and will start later

Because the lockdown was extended for the Netherlands last Tuesday, many groups got into trouble with their preparations. CGN has therefore reviewed the schedule and is moving all events to a later date. The live CGN Championships, which were still an option for April 10, are canceled so that the 2021 season will now be fully online.

The first event, for Individuals, Ensembles, and Challenges, will now be broadcast on Sunday, March 7th. Entries for this can be uploaded up to and including Tuesday 2 March.

In addition, the broadcasts will be free. “We ask people to choose whether they want to make a contribution and to determine the amount themselves,” says Niels Merkx. How this contribution can be made and how viewing the broadcasts will work will be announced later.

Due to the strict measures, many associations have barely been able to rehearse with each other, so staff and board members are already required to have the necessary creativity to keep the members engaged. “Participation is more important than winning, that is more true now than ever,” explains Paul Doop. "In these strange times, it is more important as an association to keep your members busy and offer them a purpose than to want to bring a show that is of a level that you have brought in previous years." CGN has added extra classes in the online season and made other adjustments that enable a group, or even an individual, to do “something” and present that to an audience.

There is a lot of enthusiasm to participate. In fact, its appeal is global. This offers new and unexpected challenges. You can now do a Challenge against a club from Thailand. Or compete in the Individual competition against Americans and Indonesians.

Nevertheless, CGN also understands the wait-and-see attitude of many groups. That is why it has been decided that the increase in the registration fee, which would only take effect after January 20, will not take place. Participants can still register for an event up to and including Sunday evening. So anyone who decides to record a marimba solo on Sunday 28 February can register, upload the video for Tuesday and then see themselves in the broadcast on Sunday 7 March.

The agenda on the website has now been adjusted and shows all new dates.

If you want to check more details about the possibilities for 2021, check this page. At the bottom of that page, you can also find a link to the presentation we used in the Zoom meeting of January 14.

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