In the spotlight: CGN Challenges

Published on 30-12-2020 in Seizoen 2021

In the spotlight: CGN Challenges

In 2021, this new form is the perfect opportunity to do a number of dazzling short performances with a group. Moreover, you can also observe the 1.5 meter rule if you want. Especially for this purpose, we have expanded the competition area for the Challenges for 2021.

If you have little rehearsal time in the run-up to the 2021 season, you would of course like to get the most out of it. And maybe you or your members don't feel comfortable with a show with drill and dance close to each other. Then the CGN Challenge is the competition to register for!

In this form of competition you virtually "battle" against another group. You will both show two performances of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 minutes. You can move freely, or stand still if you prefer, within an extra-large competition area of ​​18.4 by 27.4 meters. This is equal to the competition area of ​​the regular CGN competition. You convince the jury team not only by showing good technique but also with a look full of guts and fun.

The jury looks at the performances and then decides which of the two groups is the winner. If there are more than two participants, additional rounds will follow. Until there is a number one left.

But of course, becoming first is not the most important thing in 2021. The Challenges offer you the opportunity to put together a number of different performances in a short time and thus work together on your favorite hobby. If you opt for a limited drill/choreography and people stay in their place as much as possible, you can even let your members practice individually at home. An instructor can watch and give instructions via Facetime, Zoom or another form of video calling.

The CGN Challenges are for Drums, Brass, Dance and Guard. The main difference with the latter two is that in the Dance Challenge you can use equipment like a flag, rifle or saber. You have to use it for the Guard Challenge.

More information and the different regulations for this competition form can be found here: CGN Challenges Competition - Online Edition

The CGN Challenges - Online Editions will be broadcast on Sunday February 7th and March 7th.

You can register via the CGN Intranet

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