Clinic Overview

Published on 13-01-2023

Clinic Overview

There are many different sessions you can attend in Eemnes. They are divided in two types. First, sessions for members, which are more practical in nature. And sessions for staff and designers. How to register for the event and the clinics of your choice, can be found in a separate article.

Sessions for members

Brass Clinic

This is a session for brass members. Join the ensemble and Rob will work on technique and performance. Learn from the director of the World Champion Marching Band and winner of Best Brass at the WMC 2022. We know from experience that your members will come back with lots of enthusiasm and energy to your rehearsals.

Working with a Percussion Ensemble - Giff Howarth

This is for staff, designers, and members from concert percussion ensembles and melodic percussion ensembles (marching mallets)/Front Ensembles. Giff will talk about technical aspects, rehearsal techniques, sounds, and performance quality.

The Marching Clinic – Ron Hardin

This is a session for members and staff. Here Ron will do a practical marching clinic covering a variation in marching techniques. How to become a better marching member and a better marching ensemble. You will learn different techniques to make your marching better for Parades and Shows. See how he approaches the members and staff. Learn from doing and see yourself what the results are. Bring your own members to these practical clinics if you can…you will see the results immediately in your own rehearsals.

Music Ensemble – Nola Jones & Rob Balfoort

Nola Jones and Rob Balfoort will work with a demonstration unit on the creation of a music ensemble and how to create effect. What is it, How does it work, and what are the challenges? These will all be covered in this great session for staff/designers but also for members to really see the ensemble coming together. The Dutch show- and Marching band ViJos from Bussum will be the demonstration unit with their program. See how these two giants on their topics work and gain results. It may open your eyes to new approaches or will tell you that you are doing the right things already. So this is always a Win-Win experience.

Equipment Junior en (regional) A level – Sylvia Vos

This session is meant for color guard members but also for staff/designers from Junior, Regional A en A Class. Headtopic of the workshop is the wrist. Such a small part of the human body but so crucial for performers if they want to be successful on the winter guard floor. Sylvia will help performers understand and feel what the muscles in the wrist can do and show the instructors that are welcome to join or watch how the wrist makes all the difference in cleaning moves and releasing tosses. Please bring your own equipment to the clinic.

Dance & Movement basics – Hieu Nguyen

This is a session for members, staff/designers of Color Guard, Dance units, and Twirl teams. In part 1 Hieu will cover all the basics of Dance and Movement. What and how do you need to train in order to get ready for the next level? With Hieus professional dance background and his experience on the field with The Cadets, one cannot think of a better educator for this. And if you're ready for that next level, (also) take Hieus second clinic:

Dance & Movement advanced – Hieu Nguyen

This is a session for members, staff/designers of Color Guard, Dance units, and Twirl teams. After covering the basics in his first session, Hieu will explain everything about that next level in this session. Hieu will cover all the more advanced techniques. With his professional dance background and his experience on the field with The Cadets, one cannot think of a better educator for this.

Staff/designer sessions

How to build a marching program – Ron Hardin

This is a session for Staff/designers and senior members/section leaders. How do you build a marching program? How do you prepare the members to be able to march a parade and a drill? How do you build effective rehearsals? Learn from the man that made real World Champions on the marching field. Discuss your challenges with him and let him help you. In this setting, you can bring your ideas and thoughts to the table to discuss with like-minded people.

GE for Showbands – Michael Gaines

This is a session for Staff/designers and interested members. Topic: what is General Effect, and how do you create effect. Based on his experience at several events (CGN, WMC) Michael will talk about the most important issues he found but also you can bring your own challenges to the table. Michael will talk about possible (re)solutions. This is an interactive session with the participants.

Drill logic in Visual Design – Ron Hardin

This is a session for Staff/designers. Ron will talk about all the challenges you face with designing your drill for bands. It will cover Pyware software and how to use it to make rehearsal more effective. How to create a real visual ensemble. Based on experience at several events (CGN, WMC) Ron will talk about the most important issues he found. But you can bring also your own challenges to the table. Ron will talk about possible (re)solutions. This is an interactive session with the participants.

Programming and Arranging indoor vs outdoor – Rob Balfoort

This is a session for Staff/designers. How can you use your time effectively in a band program to use the indoor season as pre-season for your outdoor program? How do you program this and how do you approach arranging this?

How does the equipment (caption) influence the Movement (captions) – Hieu Nguyen

This is a session for Staff/designers for Color Guard. Hieu will show you through examples how equipment influences movement.

The Color Guard Judging System – George Oliviero

This is for all CG staff/designers and senior members. What is the relationship between all the CG captions in the International Judging System?

GE for Color Guard - Michael Gaines

This is a session for Staff/designers. How do you create effect in your program? Based on his experience at the CGN show in Almere, Michael will talk about the most important issues he found. But you can also bring your own challenges to the table. Michael will talk about possible (re)solutions. This is an interactive session with the participants.

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Pyware 3D is used by marching ensembles across the world to develop their routines. Since 1982, Pyware has been the recognized leader in drill design software.

Available in 3 editions, Pyware 3D is the solution for ensembles of any size or skill.

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DDF Beheer

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PMD Consulting group

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Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie

CGN staat bekend om haar pioniersmentaliteit zowel op artistiek gebied maar ook op het gebied van ondersteuning aan de activiteit. Al vanaf het begin investeert CGN in zoveel digitalisering van haar ondersteuning en haar processen. In de periode 2021-2024 heeft CGN een ambitieus investeringsplan opgesteld waarbij er verder wordt geïnvesteerd in o.a. een platform voor online educatie en competitie, aanschaf van 20 nieuwe generatie tablets ter verdere professionalisering van de juryteams, aanschaf van een aantal laptops, vervanging van het reeds 10 jaar oude intranet en de aanschaf van software voor de bedrijfsvoering en organisatie van evenementen. Deze professionaliseringsslag zou zonder de bijdrage van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie onmogelijk zijn.

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Muziekorganisatie Noord Holland/Utrecht

De muziekorganisatie Noord Holland/Utrecht is de organisatie die belangen behartigd van de in deze twee provincies gevestigde muziekverenigingen, majorette/twirlgroepen en Color Guards. De MNHU is partner van CGN op het gebied van organisatie en educatie

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Zuid-Hollandse Bond van Muziekverenigingen

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De doelgroep Show Mars en Percussie (SMP) van de KNMO werkt al jaren samen met CGN op het gebied van voorlichting en educatie.

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Stichting WMC Kerkrade is verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van o.a. het WERELD MUZIEK CONCOURS (WMC) en BLOW! by WMC. Zij is partner op het gebied van educatie

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Guard Gear UK

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Tim Toms

De drumwinkel van Hans Tims. Tim Toms is al jarenlang trouwe sponsor van CGN en is te zien op bijna alle CGN evenementen met zijn stand. Niets is te gek voor Hans.

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