CGN presents: The new 2024 speaker: Niels van der Burg!

Published on 07-12-2023

CGN presents: The new 2024 speaker: Niels van der Burg!


My name is Niels and I will be your speaker at the CGN show in 2024. I'm really looking forward to it!! The bar has of course been set very high by Richard, but that does not stop me from being the new face of CGN on the Contest Days.

I came into contact with the Indoor Season 6 years ago through my wife. At that time she was marching with Jubal from Dordrecht. I was not familiar with the indoor activity before I met her. I am currently a musician with the Rijnmondband from Schiedam and I marched with Jubal Indoor Winds in 2019.

My expectations?. Well, I definitely have this one. I expect next season to be another blast of a season! Both with the Guards, Winds and Indoor Percussion. The diversity of all parts. The young talents and who knows, new groups within the CGN! I hope for units surprising us all with their continued development last summer/winter.

But above all, I expect solidarity as we always experience at CGN events. Friendships that arise and develop even further. Develop and work together towards that one day, March 23, where we will close the Indoor season with a fantastic show!

I hope to meet you soon at one of the contests in the 2024 season!

 Tip, deel dit bericht!


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