Een vooruitblik op 2021

Published on 18-05-2020 in CGN

Een vooruitblik op 2021

In an email to all groups, CGN outlined a possible scenario for a contest day in season 2021. The corona virus ensures that much is still unclear. It has led to an abrupt end of the CGN season 2020. The last few days the first groups were able to rehearse again, but that is still subject to strict conditions and no one knows when everything will be "normal" again.

CGN has thought about the consequences of the measures and restrictions. Because we want groups to realize as early as possible that things can be different, that we have taken for granted for forty-one seasons. No one knows what restrictions and measures will apply in the winter of 2021, no one can know what CGN season 2021 will look like. It is therefore not a prediction and certainly not a "script" or "blueprint" for the future of CGN. As you can read below, we are seriously considering that things will be "different" in 2021. What and how? The only thing we know for sure is that we are not sure about anything yet.

You can find a great part from the mail below.

Dear All,

CGN seriously takes into account that measures around the Corona virus will also have an impact on our events in 2021. There is nothing to say with certainty, so what we outline below does not have to become reality. But we want to share it with you now, to avoid being surprised later this year. And this way you can try to take it into account in your preparations for 2021.

NOTE: The scenario we present here is real in our view, but (except for the cancelation of the whole season) the "darkest" scenario that we can now come up with.

It assumes that the rules as of 1 September that have now been presented by the Dutch government will not be further relaxed. And we consider the CGN events for our scenario as an "indoor sports match".

- Indoor sports competitions are allowed, but without any audience.
- A maximum of 100 people are allowed in the entire hall at the same time.
- Everywhere 1.5m must be kept between persons.
- This also applies (for this scenario) to the performing members during the entire show. *
- Due to the extremely exceptional circumstances, we do not give points and so there will be no champions in 2021.

What does this mean for a CGN contest?
- CGN and staff of the sports hall are present with as few as possible, max. 25 people.
- There is no audience. The performances may be webcast.
- There is a full jury team present.
- Each participating unit may consist of a maximum of 25 people, this is members + staff members! (for the sake of convenience, we mean by "staff members" everyone who does not perform, but belongs to a unit)
- This means that there is a maximum of 3 units in the complex at the same time.

Day schedule:
- The starting point is still that all performances per class are consecutive. How this works out for an association with units in multiple classes is still unknown. For this scenario, assume that you have to arrange yourself that each unit is on time and does not stay in the sports hall longer than necessary. And that you have to see whether units are waiting for each other somewhere or travel separately.
- There will be no Prelims / Finals at any game. Oa. to prevent a lot of people waiting outside their sports hall between their performances.

Walking route:
- Each participating unit arrives at the sports hall in show outfit and follows a fixed route through the complex with members + staff members: entrance > warm-up > starting line > show floor > exit > leave the building
- To ensure the flow, no decors and no own floors are used. (This also limits the number of staff members necessary).

- You can only enter when you get a sign from CGN.
- You get a container / bin / something for all shoes, coats and other personal belongings. You take this container with you along the entire route.
- No wristbands or stamps are distributed. If we work with passes / admission tickets, you will receive them in advance.

- From the entrance you go with the whole unit to the Warming-Up, there you only have time for a short warm-up (probably 1 interval time or max. 10 minutes)
- From the warm-up you go with the whole unit to the advance. Depending on the hall and the space near the advance curtain, you may have to wait somewhere different from what you are used to from other seasons. It is also possible that you immediately go to the competition floor.

The performance:
- The staff members are divided over the stands, except of course in the jury boxes.
- Everyone respects the 1.5m distance. Staff members cannot stand or sit next to each other.
- The members bring the show. The T&P jury member (and / or assistants) assess the 1.5m on the floor. Anyone who does not (sufficiently) adhere to the rules in the assessment of this jury member / team will be disqualified. *

After the performance:
- Members + staff members all go directly to the exit via the bounce. There the shoes / jackets are removed from the container and the unit leaves the sports hall as soon as possible.

- The jury will speak extensive commentaries on the tapes. The performance gets no points. Because the circumstances are so different from usual, it is too difficult to rate them.
- Because no points are given, there is no result, no ranking, no promotions and ultimately there are no champions.

- The jury provides extensive tapes, so that no debriefing is necessary (in-person would not be possible anyway). There may be a jury feedback form which offers more options for explaining or asking questions.

*: if "sports" are allowed, it is unlikely that the 1.5m rule must be observed on a competition floor, but to make everyone aware of the possible consequences, we take this as an assumption.

CGN will setup a Taskforce 2021, that will consist of a maximum of ten people. Of course we appreciate every contribution and you can also continue to provide input without being a member of the Taskforce. We will also keep everyone informed of what has been discussed in the Taskforce.

We hope, like you, that season 2021 will be like all 40 seasons before and like 2020 should have been. But there is a good chance that it will be different.


CGN Kernteam

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