Corona update

Published on 25-10-2020 in CGN

Corona update

As you know, CGN is preparing as best as it can for a competition in the winter of 2021. We have already explained to you what the timeline will look like until then. And that we are in talks with different people and parties in order to set up the most attractive competition possible. Digital or physical. These talks are still ongoing and the schedule is still to let you know what the 2021 season will look like in mid-November. Read more about how we are approaching that in this article.


We see through various media that a number of groups have recently started the season - also as good and as bad as possible. And maybe they had to stop, because of new measures or because they have difficulty in finding answers to questions. Because we also see plenty of questions in groups about many different matters. Such as: can we rehearse? Is that allowed inside and with how many people? And can our canteen serve coffee or a beer?

The answers to that are dependent on a variety of things. They vary even for groups in different parts of the Netherlands. For example, whether an association is known as a music or sports association. Different rules apply to both. These sometimes also differ per municipality or are different for your own club building compared to a sports hall that you rent.

As everyone knows, CGN consists of volunteers and does not have the knowledge to be able to give tailor-made advice to each group. Especially since we are not experts in the field of the coronavirus. We cannot help the Dutch groups, let alone groups outside of the Netherlands.

Close contact with KNMO

But we are still doing something. We are in close contact with the overall Dutch music organization KNMO, among others, to ensure that we ask attention for your situation in their communication and guidelines.

We also love to know how our foreign participants are doing. Post it on CGNs social media channels. Or drop us an e-mail at


When researching options for your group yourself, keep the following advice in mind:

- Take the health of yourself and everyone else in your group as the starting point for any choice you make.

- Base yourself on facts. Is something not completely clear to you? Look for answers in the right place. Do not gamble or make assumptions.

 Tip, deel dit bericht!


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Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie

CGN staat bekend om haar pioniersmentaliteit zowel op artistiek gebied maar ook op het gebied van ondersteuning aan de activiteit. Al vanaf het begin investeert CGN in zoveel digitalisering van haar ondersteuning en haar processen. In de periode 2021-2024 heeft CGN een ambitieus investeringsplan opgesteld waarbij er verder wordt geïnvesteerd in o.a. een platform voor online educatie en competitie, aanschaf van 20 nieuwe generatie tablets ter verdere professionalisering van de juryteams, aanschaf van een aantal laptops, vervanging van het reeds 10 jaar oude intranet en de aanschaf van software voor de bedrijfsvoering en organisatie van evenementen. Deze professionaliseringsslag zou zonder de bijdrage van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie onmogelijk zijn.

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Muziekorganisatie Noord Holland/Utrecht

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Tim Toms

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