CGN Season 2021 - Update

Published on 07-10-2020 in CGN

CGN Season 2021 - Update

CGN intends to announce what the 2021 season will exactly look like by mid-November at the latest. Soon after, the postponed Congress will take place (online) and we will start with the registrations. Until then, we will be in talks with many people to look at options and see how we can set up the most attractive competition for as many groups as possible. The Think Tank with 10 clubs we have in place is determined to help us out with this.

Here in the Netherlands, most groups have been able to rehearse. We know that this is not the case for many groups in other countries. Everyone in the Think Tank agrees that it is essential to keep busy with our hobbies now. What many clubs also indicate is that they do like to have a goal to work towards. A goal is important as motivation. This is an important fact for CGN: we want to do everything we can to achieve that goal in the winter of 2021, in whatever form.

During the discussions we try to arrive at a joint picture of the possibilities for a CGN season 2021. The scenarios we elaborate must have support from the participants so that when choosing from them, there is a very high chance that many groups will decide to participate in the CGN 2021 season.

Where are we standing right now?
At the moment our approach is still that we are going for a season with live performances on the floor and that, as always, they will be judged by the CGN jury team. We have been seeing for some time that it is uncertain IF and, if so, how much audience is allowed to be there. There will be limitations to that. Both in number and in facilities (think of walking routes, fixed seating areas, etc.). This can even apply to the total number of people that may be in a hall at the same time, so participants, volunteers, staff members and so on.

That is why we are certainly looking at other options. Everything from the motive to keep the circuit running to give the clubs an (extra) goal to keep rehearsing and to put together a program. Several options have already been reviewed, including an online competition season. Of course, nobody really wants this, and neither do the groups, but if this is the only option, then this should be discussed anyhow.

WGI has already decided that next year they will organize a full Online Competition including the introduction of new classes. We as CGN are not ready for that yet, because we still hope that some form of offline competition may take place. But at the same time, we are looking at what it would mean if the competition should take place (perhaps partly) online. We therefore explicitly keep several options open for as long as possible.
But of course there will come a time when we will really have to make a decision. We see that groups are now starting their programs, but are postponing major investments, such as for floors and sets, until CGN takes a decision.

The CGN Kernteam is committed to taking this decision in the first half of November. This decision will concern the following matters:

  • The format of the competition (live, online, a combination)
  • The number of contests
  • Any additional regulations

Everything will of course be subject to change because measures are moving in the same way as the Coronavirus itself, but we hope with this principle decision in November provides more clarity to everyone who wants to participate in 2021. For this reason, the annual CGN Congress which normally takes place in October has been shifted to November. The date has yet to be determined. Keep an eye on the CGN site for this.

In the Think Tank board- and staffmembers of these groups are representing all of you: Beatrix, Con Spirito/D-Zire, Dynamix/Concordia, Harpe Davids/Passie, Impact , Jubal, Percussion Unlimited, The Pride, Sensation, Serendipity en Showband '75/Trinity.
On Monday October 5, an online meeting with a lot of our non-Dutch units was held, that also gave us valuable input.

Of course we will also let you know other important developments via this site.

Stay healthy and hopefully we can see and speak to each other live again soon.

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