CGN introduces “The Challenges”

Published on 24-11-2019 in CGN

CGN introduces “The Challenges”

CGN will introduce the "CGN Challenges" from the upcoming season. This is a new competition that we are going to offer to percussion groups, brass groups and dance groups where you as a group must be able to give at least 2 performances of at most 2 minutes.

This is cast in a form of competition where there are always 2 groups on the floor literally opposite each other. One group challenges the other group by showing the best in the area of ​​percussion, brass or dance in combination with a choreography, all in 2 minutes. Immediately afterwards the other group “answers” in the form of their 2-minute mini-program. After that, each group will perform another 2 minut mini-program.

The jury will literally among the groups in the middle. After each group performed twice, the jury will determine the winner. The winner goes on to the next round that will ultimately determine who will be number 1 and 2.

Number two of the first round will drop out or continue for 3rd or 4th place.

Last season a preview of this was given at the Leeuwarden contest by the percussion groups of Noordenveld and De Sternse Slotlanders. This was immediately popular with both the participants as the audience.

These so-called "Challenges" were created by films and TV programs where candidates challenge each other and a jury immediately indicates who wins. Consider, for example, "Dance in the Gym" from The West Side Story where two groups of young people challenge each other in dance. The groups show the best of themselves in a short period of time and because of the “challenging” character by both groups, it often becomes a true spectacle.

This type of competition is suitable for both inside and outside. CGN will of course also present the "challenges" indoors, but CGN also wants to offer this form of competition in collaboration with other organizations at events that take place both indoors and outdoors.

Paul Doop (chairman of CGN) says about this: "We want to attract audiences that do not yet know us as CGN by, for example, organizing a number of Challenges in a shopping mall on the morning or afternoon prior to a CGN competition." He is convinced that it is shopping audience finds this form of music and dance cast in a competitive form so attractive that they will consider going to the CGN competition later that day.

"But we also want to present the Challenges to associations at events where CGN and its competition are still unknown," he continues. "We want to introduce them to our circuit in this accessible way."

You can register in the following forms:

Drum Challenge (for percussion groups)

Brass Challenge (for wind band groups with limited percussion such as drum set or aux. Percussion)

Dance Challenge (all forms of dance)

For 40 years, CGN has been offering forms of competition that are very popular with associations, given the growing number of participants. There are associations that indicate that the CGN Competition is still one step too far. For example, because they are not used to participate in a competition circuit or have never done anything about show at all.

"Yet we hear that associations are interested in participating in the CGN Circuit, but that they hope for a kind of" light "form," says Paul. "With the introduction of the" CGN Challenges "we think we have found a way to meet this wish and we challenge associations and the public to come and experience this!"

At the end of October, CGN will announce the dates and events / places where the Challenges will be held. Associations can already sign up for the mailing list in order to be kept informed of these Challenges. Send an email to and indicate which challenge or challenges you are interested in as an association.

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