Exclusive sessions for Color Guard on the CGN Clinic Day 2025

Published on 06-02-2025 in CGN Academy

Exclusive sessions for Color Guard on the CGN Clinic Day 2025

On Sunday 23 February, CGN is organizing another full day of clinics, in collaboration with a number of partners. All sessions are lead by well-known names from the international color guard world. The presale has started. To find out which ticket you need, read this article. But of course you first want to know what the content of the different clinics will be. You can read that below.

There are also sessions for showbands, percussion and brass/winds ensembles. You can read more about that here

How to get the most benefit out of the (judges) system?

By William Chumley

Interactive session for staff members and instructors

If you have had feedback during a contest, how do you use it? And how does that work in one or more captions? William, caption leader for the upstairs captions at WGI, explains how the system interlocks and how you can get the best out of it in terms of choices. Do you adjust your program, or what do you focus on in your rehearsals?

Why are good transitions so difficult?

By Edwin Beens

Interactive session for staff members and instructors

Do you also have such a hard time getting flow in your program? That all ideas continue smoothly, equipment changes are not experienced as an interruption of your program, and the focus is not disturbed by unimportant or less important choices or movements? Then talk to Edwin Beens, technical leader of CGN and experienced international jury member, about these dilemmas. Edwin will use examples to explain why something works, or doesn't.


By Hieu Nguyen

Practical session for members (intermediate/advanced, Junior, RA, A)

Hieu will provide a dance class for members. Warm up, cross the floor, dance sequence and how do you use it, and what can you learn from it. Participate actively, and bring your dance clothes. Isn't it nice to be on the floor with other members and learn a lot?

Being expressive with flag!

By Hieu Nguyen

Practical session for members (intermediate/advanced, Junior, RA, A)

If you have danced with Hieu, now you need your flag. Hieu will go through a flag feature in which expressive changes will be discussed. Do you know them? Space, time, weigh and flow? If so, you will learn more about it. If not, this is your chance! Join us, and don't forget to bring your flag and comfortable clothing.

Questions you always had, and answers you admire to get!

By William Chumley

Interactive session for staff members and instructors

No fixed program, but nice time to sit and talk to an experienced instructor, designer and jury member. What have you always wanted to know? What do you find difficult or do you need help with. Collect all your questions and ask William, or just listen to the questions of the others and learn from them! Nice, right, and don't you speak English? No problem, there is someone to help you!

Made your choices and know which clinics you want to attend? Read this article for everything about the ticket sales.

 Tip, deel dit bericht!


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Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie

CGN staat bekend om haar pioniersmentaliteit zowel op artistiek gebied maar ook op het gebied van ondersteuning aan de activiteit. Al vanaf het begin investeert CGN in zoveel digitalisering van haar ondersteuning en haar processen. In de periode 2021-2024 heeft CGN een ambitieus investeringsplan opgesteld waarbij er verder wordt geïnvesteerd in o.a. een platform voor online educatie en competitie, aanschaf van 20 nieuwe generatie tablets ter verdere professionalisering van de juryteams, aanschaf van een aantal laptops, vervanging van het reeds 10 jaar oude intranet en de aanschaf van software voor de bedrijfsvoering en organisatie van evenementen. Deze professionaliseringsslag zou zonder de bijdrage van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie onmogelijk zijn.

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Muziekorganisatie Noord Holland/Utrecht

De muziekorganisatie Noord Holland/Utrecht is de organisatie die belangen behartigd van de in deze twee provincies gevestigde muziekverenigingen, majorette/twirlgroepen en Color Guards. De MNHU is partner van CGN op het gebied van organisatie en educatie

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Zuid-Hollandse Bond van Muziekverenigingen

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De doelgroep Show Mars en Percussie (SMP) van de KNMO werkt al jaren samen met CGN op het gebied van voorlichting en educatie.

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Stichting WMC Kerkrade is verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van o.a. het WERELD MUZIEK CONCOURS (WMC) en BLOW! by WMC. Zij is partner op het gebied van educatie

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Guard Gear UK

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Tim Toms

De drumwinkel van Hans Tims. Tim Toms is al jarenlang trouwe sponsor van CGN en is te zien op bijna alle CGN evenementen met zijn stand. Niets is te gek voor Hans.

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