Proud of CGN 2020

Published on 20-03-2020 in Seizoen 2020

Proud of CGN 2020

Now that the first dust clouds are starting to pick up and the consequences of the abrupt ending of the CGN season 2020 are being felt, we would like to support our groups. This is now possible by adding a special CGN frame to your profile photo on Facebook.

Moreover, we want to make March 28 a special day. More news about that will follow soon!

We sympathize with the participants, from board members to instructors, volunteers and of course members. You've had months of preparation. Hours of thinking about themes, designing and training and all of a sudden that seems to have been in vain. For some of you, this might be your last season or the first. Either way, it feels really worthless.

And that of course also applies to us as CGN volunteers: we too worked towards that beautiful grand finale in Eindhoven.

However, we would like to inform you that it was not in vain, no matter how crazy that may sound. CGN's mission is to connect people and develop them through dance and music. The way we do that is through competition and education. And that is exactly what has happened in recent months.

Of course everyone worked towards that last performance in Eindhoven, but the process towards it has already done its job. New friendships have emerged, groups of members have learned to work together and achieve results together. We have seen this in the CGN contests, where we have seen groups grow.

We hear that soon after the devastating news many groups also started thinking about the consequences and how to end the season now. We hear from many groups that they have discussed how to end the season in a positive way. We are very happy with that, because although it is unfortunate that the season has ended this way, it would be even worse if we had a huge negative aftertaste from season 2020. Resulting in everything that the group has achieved, disappearing in the background or even being forgotten. It is not worth it and it would unduly destroy your work. We as Kernteam, employees and jury members will not forget the performances that we were able to enjoy.

The coming week would be finals week. A week in which all groups take that extra step, make extra hours, make the last adjustments to make their programs even better. Many photos would appear on social media, where we could enjoy your preparations for the CGN Championships. We will miss that.

But also think of the photos on the day itself. From groups and members participating in the CGN Championships, from people in the audience, sponsors behind their stand. The beautiful pictures of the programs and the award ceremony.

From CGN we have designed a photo frame for everyone who participated in the CGN 2020 season. In this way we want to show as CGN that we greatly appreciate all your work and that we sympathize with you. The intention is that you use the photo frame for the next week for a photo of your choice, as a run-up to Saturday 28 March. This can be a picture of the whole group that you are part of or of yourself as an individual member, volunteer or in any capacity; you decide that yourself.

By no means do we want to stand in the way of other frames, such as those on Healthcare or Stay at home. We did this out of our passion for the activity and in this way to create something of that CGN Championships feeling that we have lived towards collectively.



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