CGN announces ticket refund policy

Published on 31-03-2020 in Seizoen 2020

CGN announces ticket refund policy

Today all people who bought tickets for Contest Leeuwarden or the CGN Championships in Eindhoven received an email from CGN. CGN presented them with two choices.
People can, of course, get their money back. But they can also choose to donate (part of) their tickets and thus invest in a stable future for our competition.

Due to the corona crisis, we had to end the CGN season abruptly, ordered so by the Dutch government, meaning we were forced to cancel the contest in Leeuwarden and the CGN Championships in Eindhoven. We have already discussed it extensively, but it is an unsatisfactory end to the 41st CGN season for all parties. Also for many people who bought tickets for these events. The CGN Championships had even been sold out for weeks. After having to cancel both these contests, we as CGN have indicated that we need time to put things together financially.

Obviously, all preparations for the two cancelled events were already well advanced and we incurred costs for that. Part of our costs, such as the rent of the halls in Leeuwarden and Eindhoven, have also been cancelled for us.
However, a large part of the costs cannot be recovered from CGN. “Consider, for example, the fact that some jury members and volunteers were already practically on their way to Leeuwarden and incurred travel expenses for this,” explains Elma Moolenaar, treasurer of CGN.
“And what about all the flags, trophies and medals for the champions of 2020,” adds Vera van den Meiracker. "These had already been ordered and a large part had already been made and must, therefore, be paid, despite the fact that we cannot crown the champion this season."

CGN puts almost all income directly back into the organization of the events. Of course, we look at the revenues and costs per event, but ultimately we look at the entire season. Sometimes we think it is important to organize an event at a location, while the expenses may not be fully covered from the income of that one event. There are other reasons why we organize contests at such a location, for example, because we want to offer all groups a fair travel distance. Of course, we do this from the big picture of a season. Because of this approach, CGN has always been able to have a consistent financial position. "Leeuwarden and Championships would be the two events for CGN, where we would recoup much of the costs for the rest of the season," says Elma.

CGN is a strong organization, but we make no secret that the cancellation of both events has put pressure on the CGN organization. All people who have bought tickets for Leeuwarden and/or the CGN Championships have received an email in which we indicate what possibilities there are. Didn't receive an email? Then check at the bottom of this article.

Anyone who has bought tickets can make the following choices:
1. Have the amount refunded.
2. Donate the value of the purchased tickets to CGN and thus become a member of the Friends Fund 2020

Below we explain both options.

1. Have the amount refunded.
Legally, someone is entitled to a refund of money if an event is cancelled. That person does not need to have a financial loss. CGN accepts the choice of this option from anyone without further reason.

2. Become a member of the CGN Friends Fund 2020
This second option was suggested by quite a few people through Facebook and other social media. They called to not request a refund, but donate that money to CGN for damage suffered and for a future-proof organization. A heartwarming message - to us- that we have further developed with great gratitude.

Anyone who chooses this option donates (part of) the value of the purchased tickets to CGN and thus invests in the future of the organization and the activity. Those then become members of the unique CGN Friends Fund 2020. A one-off fund, with no further obligations and the membership will automatically end on March 31, 2021.
All members of the fund will be listed on a special CGN page* and the first 250 members will also receive a handy gift. In addition, all contests in 2021 will show who helped CGN to stay financially healthy by joining the Friends Fund 2020!

As mentioned, the choice is entirely up to the person who bought the tickets. CGN, all volunteers, but also the participating groups are very grateful to everyone who has the opportunity and willingness to return the costs to the organization.

We would have loved to have celebrated the wonderful events in Leeuwarden and Eindhoven together with everyone, but we hope to see you again in the 2021 season.

If you have not received an email, but have ordered tickets from CGN: please contact us at

There are also people who ordered their tickets through an association. The email has been sent to the person ordering the tickets, in that case the association. You can contact that association to find out their refund policy.

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