Code of conduct

Sexual abuse prevention policy – Dancing and making music in a safe environment

Many children up to the age of 18 take part in the amateur arts and arts education, and sometimes also people with an impairment. Rules of conduct are important in order to create a safe environment for them.

Many amateur arts associations work with children and sometimes also people with an impairment. Enjoyment is paramount in this respect. A familiar, safe environment is also a matter of course. Work is carried out on the basis of trust. That is why it may appear strange to devote attention to (sexually) inappropriate behaviour. Statements such as ‘We know each other, don’t we?’ and ‘Nothing untoward has ever happened’ are commonly heard. However, we have all read stories in the media about things that go wrong. It is important to devote attention to ‘self-evident’ behaviour in every organisation that works with children or vulnerable groups.

Free certificate of good conduct for volunteer organisations
Does your association/organisation cater mainly for children, young people or people with an impairment? And do you work primarily with volunteers? In that case, it is now possible to apply for a free certificate of good conduct (Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag, VOG).
More information and applications (website in Dutch only)

Inappropriate behaviour prevention policy
A certificate of good conduct is not a conclusive guarantee. It is just as important to pursue a preventive policy. You can do this by taking the following five steps:

Focus on prevention
Ensure rules of conduct
Establish a code of conduct
Ask for a certificate of good conduct and references
Keep prevention on the agenda
You can get inspiration via the website In Veilige Handen (In Safe Hands, website in Dutch only)

5-step plan
In 2011, Kunstfactor (now the National Centre of Expertise for Cultural Education and Amateur Arts, LKCA) drew up a prevention policy aimed at preventing sexual abuse at associations, arts centres and other organisations. This is a handy tool to facilitate drawing up a prevention policy.

Download the 5-step plan (information in Dutch only)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and/or remarks.

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Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie

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